I purchased this pattern several years ago with the intention of making the heart shaped blocks into a full quilt. Then when Valentines Day was approaching and it would be our first one without my Dad I decided that I wanted to make her something special so that we can remember this holiday as best as possible. As I worked on the quilt I thought about how symbolic the two hearts is. It takes two "hearts" to make a family. I also thought about how lucky we were to have my father in our lives for as long as we did. I am lucky to have known him as an adult, many children don't get that. I also thought about how lucky we were that he loved us so much. He was all about family, he showed us how to love one another. I don't think I will ever stop missing him and I know it has to be 1,000 times worse for my mother but I hope we can have happy days again. So, as I made this quilt
I thought about the meaning of family and how important it is in life. I used Thimbleberry Fabrics, which I love, because I wanted my mother to be able to use the table runner all year long. I have been collecting the fabrics to make this into a quilt top for a little over a year. I was so happy with how this one came out that I created one for myself. I have been in a table runner mood lately so I am just going with it.

My mother placed the table runner on her kitchen table so she can see it all the time. It made her happy and she loves getting home made gifts from me. When we were little she used to sew. I think she just may start up again.
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